Tuesday, December 1, 2009

...Then there was this guy.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Wasting away, in margaritaville

So I was taking some trash out at work Friday,(ok, playing Frisbee) and I ran into this thing called a sweeper, at my work. I guess it picks up leaves and grass. Well there are these two black metal boxes on the front (that ironically hold first aid kits) and I ran strait into one of those and ripped a fatty ass chunk of skin open on my shin. I thought I just hit it really hard and bruised it. It was dark (that's why I didn't even see the sweeper corner) and after falling over, I put my hand on it to put pressure on it, just like anyone would do if the got hit by something and my hand made like a squishy splat sound, haha! Turns out I had a cut deep enough that I could touch the bone! It was pretty sweet. I tapped on the bone to see if it actually was my bone. yep. Hey shut up you'd have done it too so don't even try to lie. So I go to E.R. and wait for 4 hours before getting helped. Typical E.R. stuff. A little while after a nurse comes in, puts an empty tin under my leg, then she fills this other tin up with some kind of cold, light blue liquid. Then she gets this big-ass syringe and fills it up with the blue liquid that is cold as shit, and starts spraying it into my cut. It was cold and kinda ticklish. She did that about 20 times. I asked her how she likes my cut and said she's probably seen all kinds of stuff. We small talk about her tattoos. They are her son's names. After she cleans my cut, she puts a temporary bandage, and leaves. An hour goes by, and the two 5mg vicodin they give me does absolutely nothing for the hour I sit there before a doctor comes in. Lucky for me for some reason this injury doesn't hurt at all. It's weird, it didn't even hurt when I just got it, or even 20 minutes after I got it. It is literally the most painless injury I have ever had, yet the most severe injury I've ever had... aside from stepping on a nail and having it go all the way through my foot one time when I was stomping siding shingles against a tree for firewood in the middle of the night camping one weekend a few years ago. Anyways a Doctor comes in with this seemingly 18 year old kid. I'm thinking this kid is about to put stitches in my leg and I'm like "bring it on kid, lets see what you GOT!" but no. The doctor pulls out one of those needles in the movies thats like 4 feet long and flicks the end of it as he looks at my poker face. He says this is gonna sting a little, and I look down at my gaping wide cut like, "huh?" He pokes it in about 8 or 9 different places and squeezes the liquid in. A few minutes later, I'm touching my leg and it literally feels like a plank of flesh. Like I could go at it with a machete and it wouldn't even matter. I actually imagined going at it with a machete for some dumb reason. My brain is a silly thing like that. Well about 20 minutes later, doc comes back in, and he starts stitchin me up. He's showing the kid how it's done and what you should and shouldn't do. I ask him what he thinks of my sweet cut and he looks at me with a silly smirk and says "hey bud, your leg is still attached." and that was the end of that one, haha. He was a funny guy. I got the impression he was in the service at one time. He was very serious and efficient. He kept repeating everything I said, when I wasn't talking to anyone in general. Like I would say, man my leg now just feels like a chunk of flesh, and he'd say "you leg just feeeeeeells like a chunk of flesh, don't it?" I think it's his way of coping with patients who are all loopy on drugs. I started to think about how when I went with my dad to E.R. once after he cracked a rib slipping on some ice at work, they gave him a shot of Demerol and he started giggling and talking about his high school days. My dad NEVER talks about his childhood.

Fast forward to the follow up appointment on the following Monday. I tell the doc my fingers hurt really bad, and she gives me some Tylenol 3's with codeine. Just as useless as the Vicodin I got from the ER. I don't know what it is man, I can't take that stuff, it just makes me horribly SICK, even if I eat food with them. Doc even gave me some Ondansetron which supposedly makes nausea and upset stomach not happen when taking muscle relaxers. They also do absolutely nothing. Luckily this injury doesn't hurt at all. Follow-up doc says I can't run, drive, crawl, kneel, climb, jump, or anything. So for me, I have a week off of work! Wooooooooo!! My follow-up-follow-up appointment is today. Then I have the next two days off, and of those two days, one of them is my birthday. Damn, I'm getting old, this sucks.

And now for a completely unrelated image.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

My computer...

Is a piece of shit at the moment, so I shall leave you with this, until I have time to fix it properly.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Life is like a box of chocolates, and I just got the damn coconut one.

So either theres a Mars-Uranus conjunction in Pisces, or I just have naturally, randomly had very bad luck with electronics lately. Two Fridays ago my blackberry's keyboard just suddenly stopped working for no reason when I pulled it out of my pocket. It is still on and functioning, but none of the keys work at all. That really blows, because I do EVERYTHING from that damn phone. I loved my blackberry! :( 3 days of no phone later my mom tells me I can have my dads Verizon Razor, so I go pick that up, and activate it. Yay! I have a phone again... until 4 hours pass, and I go to plug it in and it doesn't charge... great. Oh well, I fucking hate T9 anyways. I guess it's back to my old EnV, the phone I like to call "The Brick"The thing has already outlived 2 nuclear blasts, so I guess it will work for now, even if the zero key sometimes types 089 and the up button doesn't work at all. Then about 5 days ago my computer got like 3 hardcore viruses. The viruses are randomly making links I click go to completely different sites, and my virus protection is constantly going ape-shit about critical software violations it can't do anything about, because they are attached to vital system processes. It may or may not have anything to do with the random bout of porn I decided to download recently, but thats beside the main point.
Because of all of this, not only have I not been checking emails, facebook etc. but I don't have anyone's phone numbers in my brick, which means theres nobody to text at work and waste time, and I cant twitter about how this little girl just blasted this kid in the head on the playground with her fist after he wouldn't stop "tagging" her. Ahhhh kids. I really love working at Coulon Park. It's busy as fuck, and people are everywhere. All I do all day long is drive around on a Gator and empty garbage cans, stare at cuties, get free bbq food, mainly from generous philipino families who always cook more than they can eat, and waste copious amounts of time. It really is the best job I think I've ever had. Too bad it's only until like december... :(

Thursday, July 16, 2009

"The Art of Manliness Manly Holiday Gift Guide"

Stumbled across a quite decent site not too long ago that encompasses everything any decent man (or any awesome woman) should know about the life and workings of men. If your husband/boyfriend/best friend/whoever's birthday is coming up, and you don't know what to get him, if he's classy even the least bit, he will surely appreciate a good 90% of everything on "The Art of Manliness Manly Holiday Gift Guide"

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


(Picture is semi-unrelated)

"Today, it's my birthday and I received a signed vintage Beatles' album from my wife. Awesome right? It's the same album some jerk way over-bidded me for on eBay. That jerk was my wife, using my credit card. FML"

Read this and other funny fuckmylife scenarios at http://www.fmylife.com

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

video games

Are the devil, but why do I like them so? They are the opposite of that in which I want to be doing, but still, I am lured by their shiny turbo buttons and respectable auto reset switches. Power-ups and life potions, dance merrily about in my dreams.

The end.

PS from now on I will be posting a completely random internet picture I find, that I deem is badass in some way.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Health kick teeter totter

I'm back on the up end of the health kick teeter totter. I fall off of it every once in a while, but when I get back on it, it's good times. Basically the rules are, if I'm not sore, I'm not winning, and everything I eat needs to be as close to the ground as possible, for example no cheese-its but any fruits and veggies are fine, basically I try to stay away from anything in a bag or box, and anything with preservatives. I try to only drink water, and lots of it. As much as possible actually. Technically I've heard the best thing to do is try to drink half of your body weight in ounces of water. We'll see how it goes... lol I think I owe my gym money.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

My astrological birthchart

This likely isn't interesting to anyone else but me, but if your my friend, give it a quick read-through, and comment, let me know if this sounds like me. Astrology has always been really interesting to me, and every once in a while I'll check out my birthchart on different sites to see how accurate I think they are. I feel like it totally sounds like me, what do you think?

P.S. this is a free birthchart reading, you can get your own done here:


If you get yours done, write a blog with it so I can read it too.

Name: Travis

September 10 1984
1:55 PM Time Zone is EDT
Southfield, MI

Rising Sign is in 06 Degrees Sagittarius
You are known for being open, frank, outgoing and honest. At times,though, you are also blunt and quite indiscreet. Others have to learn not to take everything you say personally, because you usually do not mean any harm. You appreciate living your life in astraight forward and simple manner -- you dislike social niceties and consider them to be hindrances to real communication. You have lots and lots of energy and tend to become quite restless if you feel confined. You demand the freedom to do as you choose -- you must be self- directed or you feel trapped and anxious. With your abundant energy, you enjoy being outdoors, and you should be attracted to physical exercise or to those forms of sport which can help you burn off some of that excess energy. Very gregarious, you love to socialize -- your innate enthusiasm livens up any gathering.

Sun is in 18 Degrees Virgo.

Extremely careful and cautious by nature, you value neatness and order above all else. You rigorously practice very high standards of living and conduct and you demand the same of everyone with whom you come into contact. At times, you are so supercritical that you are merely nit-picky. You are very good at practical skills and quite handy with tools of all kinds. You are also greatly concerned with hygiene, cleanliness and personal health problems. Very likely your health is much better than you think it is -- don't worry so much! Extremely methodical and analytical, you are a perfectionist -- this makes you the perfect person to carry out highly detailed, precise operations. But, at times, you pay so much attention to details that you lose sight of the larger issues.

Moon is in 23 Degrees Pisces.

You have strong feelings and are extremely sensitive. It would help if you had a thicker skin -- you tend to react emotionally to every situation you come across. Kind, gentle and considerate of the feelings of others, you are good at taking care of the sick, wounded and helpless. But you tend to absorb the energy of others -- so avoid those who are always negative. You have a rich, creative and
lively imagination, but you should be careful not to spend all your time daydreaming. Very intuitive, you have good ESP and may be quite clairvoyant or psychic. Remember that you too have the right to get what you want from life. If you are always defensive and kowtowing to others, people will take advantage of you and exploit you.

Mercury is in 00 Degrees Virgo.
Very thorough and efficient, you pay attention to the minor but important details of any project. You are a careful thinker who can learn complicated, intricate techniques. You are attracted to practical, useful skills and are probably good at working with your hands. You are very critical of yourself and others, sometimes too much so, and you get the reputation of being a nag or of being nit-picky. Your first reaction to any situation is to try to organize, classify and analyze everything!

Venus is in 11 Degrees Libra.

A very friendly and outgoing person, you hate to be alone. Beware of a continuing tendency to compromise yourself in order to avoid being lonely. Try to be yourself, not what others would like you to be. You have an innate desire to be in refined and elegant surroundings and will go out of your way to create a plush and comfortable atmosphere around you. You have heightened aesthetic sensibilities
and are attracted to music and the arts. Try to avoid using your well-known seductive charm in order to get out of doing what you consider to be dirty work!

Mars is in 13 Degrees Sagittarius.
Your every action is motivated by high moral standards and ideals. You will work very hard to improve the lot of the world at large, but you demand action about it -- you do not like to just sit around and talk about doing it in an abstract manner. You like to be where the real action is. You resist mightily any attempts to limit your freedom and you will assist anyone who feels put down and restricted. You are extremely restless by nature -- physical exercise is very important to you if you would maintain your health.

Jupiter is in 03 Degrees Capricorn.
You tend to feel that the only results that are worthwhile are the results that are concrete and demonstrable. You distrust abstract solutions and appreciate measurable achievements. An excellent
organizer and planner, you are optimistic as well as practical and realistic about what can and what cannot happen. Very responsible, you consider it a personal weakness to be wrong about anything. This makes you appropriately cautious. You are very efficient but you tend to be cool and detached.

Saturn is in 12 Degrees Scorpio.

You tend to release emotional energies only very reluctantly. This is partly due to your fear of what horrible calamity might occur should they be released -- your emotions are terribly complicated
and intense. Try not to repress these energies entirely, however, or you will succumb to negative and destructive forms of compulsive behavior. Give yourself the freedom to look awkward or silly once in
a while. The relief you feel will be quite therapeutic and the embarrassment (whether it is real or imagined) will pass quickly.

Uranus is in 09 Degrees Sagittarius.
You, and most of your peers, have the tendency to think that all ideas, customs and traditions from the past are outmoded and irrelevant. You are attracted to radically new ideas, philosophies
and religions that will, hopefully, cause sweeping changes throughout the world.

Neptune is in 28 Degrees Sagittarius.
You, and your entire generation, are heavily involved in investigating and idealizing foreign and exotic intellectual systems and religious philosophies. The most extreme ideals will be pursued
with gusto. You will be at the forefront of humanitarian attempts to improve the lot of those who are in need of assistance. You will be comfortable with the concept of the "global village."

Pluto is in 00 Degrees Scorpio.

For your entire generation, this is a period of intense research and discovery in areas that were heretofore considered mysterious, remote or taboo. The root causes for many complex occurrences will be unearthed due to the intensity and thoroughness of the search.

N. Node is in 00 Degrees Gemini.
You will consciously seek out many different contacts with others throughout your life. Many of these will be of very short duration, not necessarily because you're fickle, but just because you always
seem to be more excited by the prospect of meeting someone new rather than prolonging your present relationships. At any rate, you will learn something new from almost everyone you come across --
intellectual stimulation is what you crave from others. You will be well known to neighbors and relatives, partly due to your curiosity about what they're doing -- you delight in keeping up-to-date about the latest news (and gossip).

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Too Unique.

Tonight was a very, very unique night. I had deja vu. Not just any deja vu, it was deja vu that was so pristinely exact... I remember smelling the smells I smelled, the exact facial features of the girl's face I was looking at, after I said the exact phrase I remember saying, during the exact live reggae version of the song I heard, played by a band I have definitely never heard before, in a city I had only been in twice before, in a bar/club am positive I have never once been in before. This astronomically improbable circumstance of events could have never taken place more than once in even a lifetime of someone who does any of these events commonly for any amount of time. I am almost encouraged after witnessing this rare manipulation of circumstance, to assume that there is without a shadow of a doubt, someone or something "pulling the strings" if you may. Call it God, call it "Spontaneous Formulation of Events," call it "Magnificent Absolute Reactionary Theory" or call it pure drunken assumption on my part, but to me, something with so many variables, happening like that more than once, in such a magnificently identical way, alone... proves that if there isn't some god out there, then there must at the very least be some kind of absolute repetitive formula in place that I just so happened to be privileged enough to have caught on to.

But no, this cannot be true, because I am not the only human who has seen this in such vivid purity before, witnessing it formulate in utter exactness of that in which was dreamed of at a previous time and place... sometimes having absolutely no recognition of, until the exact moment or two in which it took place in ones life.

Have you ever asked a question, and not expecting to even get an answer, or any kind acknowledgment or anything... to your amazement and bafflement you get a very exact answer through a short commercial you happen to hear in the background or a sentence you happen to be reading on the back of a novel's description that you happen to glance over and read on the back of the book that the lady in the booth next to you at the dirty spoon you are eating at is reading?

It's these small, SEEMINGLY, random events like this, that happen to me many times a month that truly make me ponder over whether I'm really just "floating through life" or if there is some cosmic RESPONDER to my premonitions...

PS i'm wasted right now.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Irish I had a beer...

The entrepreneurial spirit has stricken again, and this time I've got some fun plans in effect! I'm starting two sites, a cafe-press called "How Humerus" and an Etsy shop at www.forgedbyninjas.com. I know, it's the best .com ever conceived. I only hope I can make equally awesome things to sell on it. I'm teaming up with a few friends of mine who have some awesome ideas, to make some stuff to sell. The cafe-press store will be mainly shirts n stuff, and the etsy will mainly be hand-made stuff, but not quite positive what kind of handmade stuff yet. If you have some sweet handmade stuff you'd like me to sell for you, I'll split the profit 50/50. Just lemme know at Cambiojoe/@/gmail.com.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Goal 1: Get a grip. Goal 2: keep that grip!

A lot of my days lately seem to be blurred by rain trickling down my window.

Mother of F I've been slackin' on my blog lately. I'd like to start off with the fact that my internet connection blows a fatty, and wireless desktop connections can go F themselves. I've been having trouble blogging, or doing anything online lately. I go to work, get home, turn on the computer, and the internet doesn't work for hours at a time, or will for a short while, then stop. I even bought a higher db or whatever antenna on ebay, but it didn't help at all. I think I'm supposed to use the antenna on the actual base station, but the gay Microsoft wireless base station doesn't have removable antennas, but almost EVERY other wireless base station does. Soon however I'll be moving into the basement at my parents house, and have wired cable, and these frustrations shall be a thing of the past. No, I do not care that you know I'm living back with mom and dad, because I know tons of friends of mine who would love to have the opportunity. This'll give me a nice chance to get a few grand saved up, and really focus on some internet money making opportunities I have been itching to work on. Sure, I'll be living the life of a 24 year old total nerd loser living at his parents for a few months, but if that's what it takes to get the money wad a-rollin' then so be it.

I'm so addicted to the internet, I've been kind of lost without it, trying to find useful things to fill my time. I'm planning a total overhaul of my finances among other "to-do's" and this is a goal I actually can see materializing week by week. I've been reading "how to achieve excellent credit" and other money savvy ebooks that I've had nestled away on my computer for times like these, when my internet connection is being a steamy pile of dogshit. Now that I have a job I can stand, income tax return on it's way, and 2 of my cars soon to be sold, my financial woes are quickly dissolving away. It's a wonderful relief, in times like now. I've also been busying myself with other non-internet essential tasks that I've been meaning to handle, such as uploading all my videos to my computer and editing them for later youtubing. I've kind of put my own internet marketing plans on the backburner as I help my friend Ian Delile market the living crap out of his musical abilities, as I've mentioned in previous blog entries. I've been filming him make some music, uploading the vids, editing them, making him a youtube, a myspace, a twitter, anything to help get him noticed. I have faith that he's going to go somewhere in life, and I figure this is a perfect opportunity to try out what marketing knowlege I do have.

Me on the other hand, well, that's kind of where I'm scratching my head. I'm not really sure what I want to do. My sketch of a future plan revolves around going back to college, learning a few new languages, then traveling the world, meeting people in tons of different countries aaaaaand then who knows. That's as far as I've ever gotten. Theres no specific field I know I want to get into yet, I just really like the idea of helping different people communicate. I think that's a pretty solid job in of itself, but it doesn't really have a finish line in it. I think that could be why I'm not pursuing it more actively. The most successful people I imagine can see the finish line, and that's why the push to reach it. I've just got to learn to visualize my finish line, I guess. It's sad that people (myself included) get so "worked" by life, that we eventually forget our most aspired goals, or eventually just become to "busy" to stay on track. Sometimes the only way we can achieve in life is if we believe we can in the first place. The belief alone lays the foundation for success, and the pieces fall into place on their own. I truely believe, that if you want to succeed in something, you need to believe that you can. So in other words, success can be measured in those of us who have perfected the ability to make believe...

Saturday, February 14, 2009

If you try to take the remote from my dad while he's asleep, he says a random sentence = FUN!

I have no idea what just happened, Saturn must be making an awkward 90 degree angle with mars or the moon or some weird shit, because I just got seriously paid today, out of the blue. My first paycheck at my job came in the mail (THANK GOD) , then I went and sold some tool bits on craigslist for 40 bucks, then went and sold some copper wire I had also on craigslist, for 30 bucks. I felt like I was on such a role, I decided to pop a few things on ebay while I was at it. If this keeps up I'll be where I want to be financially in about 1 month! I haven't put anything up on ebay in like at least 2 months. (it's hard to find stuff to sell on ebay during the winter. There's no garage sales! And now I work at a storage unit place, Storage One, so that rules out storage unit auctions from any of their 50 wa state monthly auctions! Bummer. Anyone else know any good place to check out swap meets or garage sale type stuff during the winter? I don't bother buying things from thrift stores, unless I can easily tell they are worth reselling. Thrift stores are good however, for searching for college books (a buck a piece!) then poppin em on Amazon.com or ebay.

So I'm slightly struggling back into the originally intended internet marketing scheme of things. I don't remember where, or how I stumbled onto the 30 day challenge, but it's basically a walk through guide on how to take a product, and make your first 10 dollars online with it. It's pretty much exactly what I've been looking for. I found out about it like the day before I got hired at my job, and neglected the whole thing until earlier today. I have a lot of catching up to do. Like, 14 days worth! From what I've seen so far, these videos are packed full of good internet marketing knowledge. A lot of things I had already heard about, but some are still new.
I'm thinking about opening a Zazzle. On Zazzle.com you can take any design or idea and sell it on t-shirts, shoes, mugs, mousepads, you know, the norm. I've thought up a few pretty sweet designs in my day though. Kind of along the lines of Katie Kutthroats etsy; Needles & Pins. Ever since I've seen her work, I've been interested in selling my own idea of awesome, plastered all over things...

Monday, February 9, 2009

Free??! I'll take 5.

I have come to realize that true "free" is the new $39.99. When you have something awesome, some useful nugget of knowledge or some bad-ass new product, it really does pay, to give it away for free. And by free I don't mean free, but you have to pay monthly, or free but you have to activate it. I'm not talking about free with purchase, or free after signing someone else up, or free garbage or free brochures or free bowflex dvd. I'm most definitely not talking about the useless or strings attached free, that has corrupted the very words meaning beyond it's original context. See, isn't it sad that your wondering what it is I'm about to try and sell you? No, I'm not selling anything... or giving anything away for free.(at the moment anyways) What I'm talking about is a truly free gift of worth. When was the last time someone honestly gave you something completely free that was actually worth taking? Or even better, when was the last time you gave someone something, or did something really nice, for free, that was appreciated? What about the last time you did something nice for someone, who had no idea you were going to do it, or no idea that you even did do it, without seeking any kind of gratification in return? This kind of thing has been creeping into my thoughts very often lately. I'm not exactly sure why I've been thinking about this stuff, but I like where my mind has been wondering.

Since it's almost valentines day, I'll tell you about an idea I've had floating around in my chamber of secrets for a few months now. Most of the ideas I've had consist of strictly giving things away for free. One of my favorites is about making a website, and on it would be videos of me doing overly romantic things to completely random strangers, and filming their facial expressions. Like leaving a dozen roses on someones car right before they get off of work, or walking up to someone sitting on a bench and handing them a hand written love letter, saying something like "somebody just asked me to hand this to you" then walking off. I want to capture that absolutely stunned "wow someone was thinking of/has a crush on me?" kind of look. I love that look, and I think theres a large audience of people out there who would love to find a place that has lots of videos of people having real romantic things happen to them. I think it's an awesome idea. Of course I would have to somehow find a way to make sure I'm not doing anything romantic for someone who is already in a great relationship. That could probably kinda backfire for the kind of free gift I'm trying to give. But yeah, thats just one of my many silly ideas. What kind of ideas do you have that would be doing a good thing? If you've never really done something nice for someone, and then didn't tell them what you did, you should try it, it feels pretty good, and it's gotta be at least like 1 and a half karma points.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Hey, I don't wanna sound like a queer or nothin', but I think unicorns are kick ass!

^Back in the race!^
My new job is a refreshing change of pace. It is good to be back on a schedule, and even better to be working on a paycheck again. I'm working at a storage unit facility. No, it's not the most glorious of jobs, but it's gonna plug that hole in my pocket for now. Since I start working by myself on Sunday, I decided to skip what would have been my days off, for extra days of training, so I've been working 9am to 6pm the last 6 days, in case anyone cares why I used to post daily and now I haven't posted for 5 days. Probably not.

I've been going through all of my old videos, and uploading them onto my computer. Brought back a lot of awesome memories of my fine past, so I decided to start uploading them onto youtube. It's a slow process, and I have a TON of video to upload, but it's gonna be sweet once I have them all up. Along with uploading my own videos, I've also been helping my friend Ian Delile set up an online identity. He's an independent musician friend of mine that I have a lot of faith in. He's definitely going somewhere, if he can get his music out there, so I decided to help him out since he's a little computer illiterate. Check out his blog here, or subscribe to his twitter here and be sure to see what he's all about on his youtube, here

P.S. if you know what movie the title of this blog post is from, you get a 3-pointer.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Whether you think you can or can’t, you are right

"I don’t have any pity for people who think they cannot do something.

We are human and flawed but incredibly saturated with possibility. Each of us. Possibility does not satisfy us, instead we draw invisible lines that we dare not cross for fear of failure, ridicule, or disappointment. So, you hold tight to your dreams, keep them close and wait. What are you waiting for?

Those dreams are yours. Do not fear failure because failure is something you live with. It is not something you live for.

Whether you think you can or can’t, you are right."

This blog post is from here I liked it so much I'm borrowing it in it's entirety.

Friday, January 30, 2009

This plane is deffffff-i-nite-ly crashing!

God I love the Internet. It's usefulness never fails to amaze me. As most of my friends know, I stopped watching television years ago. Because of it, I've missed out on a lot of interesting news about the area and even the world. I just don't watch news, or anything for that matter, on television. Now days with the bachelor islands and the who wants to be a rock of loves it's hard to justify being lazy when television is this meaningless. Well that all changed since I found out how to use twitter. I can hear about all the interesting stuff again, without all the annoying commercials and retarded shows.
I fell asleep really early last night, like around 7PM and was awake, but still just lying in bed with my eyes closed at 5:15AM this morning because I heard my mom rustling around in her room getting ready for the day. I felt my bed shake a little bit. It definitely felt like an earthquake, but it was so quick and subtle I wasn't really sure. I got on my computer and checked my twitter and sure enough, theres already literally around 100 people in the Seattle area twittering about a 4.6 earthquake that just happened! It occurred at 5:25 AM originating from the Kingston area. See how powerful twitter can be? I read once how a man on a plane that was literally sliding down the runway on fire when it's landing gear failed, was twittering about it in real time as it happened! That's just incredible to me. With twitter, I hardly need the commercials, and stupid 20 minute long sets on how walmart is still rolling back prices, that regular news channels put me through in order to find out what is really news. Now days, strait and to the point is becoming more and more worth it's weight in gold in a world where advertisements are being stuffed inbetween every word. It is still at the point however where hardly any of my friends have twitter accounts. But that's not a huge deal, because tons of CEO's video game companies, breaking news sites from around the world, or pretty much any company that your interested in, has a twitter! I suggest anyone to get a twitter, if nothing else, to see what all the hype is about. I think you'll find it's actually an excellent tool! Don't forget to follow me! @Cashmoneysilk
Here's some of the cool twitterers I'm following, that might be interesting to follow:
@Twitscoop - Find out what's hot on twitter
@BarackObama - The prez!
@SteveJobs - Co-founder, Chairman and CEO of Apple.
@SnoopDogg - Rap Artizzle
@MCHammer - Musician
@PatricWilson - Drummer of the band Weezer

Here are a few good articles to read, if your thinking about making a twitter:
Seven Obvious Tips For First Time Twitters

50 Ideas on Using Twitter for Business
Top Famous Twitterers

And if your really eager to dig in, here's some more intense information:
How to be a twitter power user!

Top 25 Twitterers and Twitter services

On another note, I had my first day on the new job today, and it went well. My boss told me she really hopes this works out for me because she's planning on me taking the other boss's spot, after she retires, which will be soon. I hope it works out for me too! Thank you god I'm no longer unemployed!

Monday, January 26, 2009

This is Bob barker reminding you to control the pet population.

I finally just finished Genesis of the bible last night. Man I've been working on that chapter for years. Hopefully now I can finally get to the good stuff. By good stuff I mean non-strict-documentary-like stuff. Half the chapter consisted of Jacob and his ridiculously large 70 person family, and literally every single person that had sex in order for him and his family to come to be. YOU try reading genesis and tell me it's not a hard read! They end it with the beginning of moses, and his burning bush story. It's actually becoming a pretty interesting read. Don't worry people, I'm not turning in to a super religious guy, I just believe every religion should get it's chance to show me whats up, so I've decided to read the entire bible.

In other equally left-field news, it turns out people have actually landed on my blog after searching for Eluda Masun. You all remember him don't you? Heh heh heh. If not go check out Day 18 ( 1-7-09) Yeah, turns out he's still out there trying to scam people with that plan of his. It's sad that I read it actually works a lot of the time. Hell it almost worked on me. Either way, he'll get what's coming to him, I'm sure. Just remember people, if someone on craigslist wants to send you money, or is from out of the country or state, tell em to go shove it. Unless they're willing to call you and talk to you on the phone first, so you can kinda feel them out and make sure they aren't sketch, but I'd still watch out on craiglist y'all.

Today was fairly productive day. I washed my cabriolet, and my explorer, then decided to wash my moms van, because they were so filthy from the snow n stuff. The cabriolet is looking good now, but it got dark fast, so I'll have to take pictures of it tomorrow, to repost it on craigslist. I'm really gonna miss that little car. I secretly really hope I end up keeping it until summertime, then just end up keeping it, because cruising around with the top down and the bass dropping all over the place is just rad like that.After washing cars I went to the gym. Oh man I had such a good workout I almost puked the whole way home. I've never actually gotten to that point before. I'm pretty sure I was really dehydrated there for a while! I need to be drinking a LOT more water. Men's fitness as well as other sources say to drink half your body weight in ounces of water a day. I once kissed a girl who drank that much water daily. Her lips where soft as clouds. I'm not sure if thats what makes me think she was one of the best kissers I've ever kissed or not, but I know it definitely might be, lol.

I've been thinking about starting a video game blog, and a movie blog. Scratch that, I AM starting a video game blog and a movie blog. I think if a movie or game is good enough (or bad enough) it deserves my oppinion to be broadcast. I have movie nights with Cassie, and she knows my movie preferences, and I like almost everything she picks out for me. I wish SHE had a movie blog. I know I'd read it! I really wish more of my friends would write. (ESPECIALLY DAN) I like to read what my friends have to say about different things. It creates conversations and helps me find similarities about them that I like. For instance, if I meet someone new, all I really have to find out more about them by is their myspace or maybe if they have a facebook. (oh yay! you like hello kitty.) It's nice when you meet someone new and they have a blog or something more than a myspace, that I can kind of learn about what they like and who they are, in my extra time instead of just basing everything I know about them off of their 18 pictures of a single drunk night or their corvette background with cool integrated racing gifs.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Abba Zabba... your my only friend.

I got a job! Mother effing about time too. Well still pending a background check, but I'm sure that's not going to be a problem. I've already signed the w2 and everything, so I'm pretty much in. It's not much, it's a storage unit job, but it should be fairly easy. I'll be working Sunday Monday Tuesday and Thursday, from 9-6. That's a pretty sweet ass schedule I think. It'll suck not having sat night to party, but i'm totally stoked about only working 4 days a week. Maybe I'll get a small second job? I haven't told my parents I got a job yet, because I don't want to jinx myself. I was getting really scared there for a little while, thinking I would never get another damn job and live at my parents house forever.

In other news, I've slowed down in the whole squidoo thing, but making more lenses is still on my to-do list. I'd like to make like 15-20 then chill for a little bit. I feel like I haven't really given it a fair chance until I make at least 20 decent quality lenses. I've also been learning about writing articles, and submitting them to E-Zine websites. This video (among many others) are great ways to learn about this stuff. I still haven't learned enough about this, but I'm interested. I logged onto Goozex today and found out I have 2 new referrals! That's awesome news, considering I've been putting a nice amount of advertising for that site and was getting discouraged about not getting anyone to join, even though it's free, and I'm not even making money on it.

I've been thinking about making an ebook, to sell. I've seen a lot of other people doing it, and it seems to make sense. You write an ebook about something you know a lot about, or enjoy talking about, then make a site about it, and sell it on the site, and just spread the word to other people who might be interested in it. I've seen my mother "accidentally" buy these books before, so that alone is proof it works. I've even been tempted to buy them from time to time. I even DID buy one once, like a year ago, about turning garage sailing into a part time ebay income. It had a lot of great info in it, and was actually easily worth the 10 dollars I spent on it, considering I made the 10 bucks back like ten fold with the tips I read.

Oooo nevermind. I've just learned an even easier way to do that, without all the work of writing any ebook, but just selling other peoples ebooks/stuff, with clickbank.comSince I recently remembered that everyone and their mother plays world of warcraft, I think it's only fitting to present you all with my first affiliate link! Zygor In-Game Alliance & Horde World Of Warcraft 1-80 Leveling Guides!

Given that is being sold at a ridiculously inflated price, I understand the benefits of how it all works. For every WoW nut I find to buy this program, I get $22.05 Thats not too shabby. Now say in 3 months, once I have 20 different affiliate links floating out there, a wide variety of things to buy, I could be making some very serious dough for hardly any work. I think the first order of business, is to start making those squidoo pages I was meaning to make, with all my new affiliate links, then start writing articles with squidoo links on the bottom. It'll be pretty rough at first and a lot of work, but once I get it up and running like a well-oiled machine, I predict some pretty nice money will be coming my way. I of course will keep everyone updated. I highly suggest you just peruse ebay on subjects like affiliate marketing or article writing, if this kind of thing is interesting to you!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Your the dill, in my tunafish sandwich. :)

I am amazed how foggy it's been here lately. The fog didn't go away all day yesterday!! I've never seen that happen before, and I'm talking THICK fog. It looked like Mt. St. Helens ripped a big fart in Renton. Waking up sick as a dog at 7 am to stand outside and scrape the ice off of my windshield for 10 minutes is not my idea of a happy morning. I rank being sick right up there with split-pea soup, and Indian burns. I've been sitting here for two hours, trying to whistle "afternoon delight" out of my clogged left nostril, and it's coming along nicely. I just blew my nose so hard a freaking river-trout swam out. Some aspects of being sick however aren't that bad. It's the easiest way to lose 5 pounds, and at least I get to snuggle all day in my expensive Egyptian cotton sheets that I got. My friend Alex tells me Egyptian babes actually weave them out of their pubic hairs. Exotic! I get a little loony when I'm sick. I think I'm dehydrated from coughing up so many jello jigglers. My mom has no idea how it's possible I get into these silly, joke-riddled moods when I'm so miserable. I'm like this when I'm hungover too. Hanging over the toilet describing what I think I ate the night before to my mom in the other room. I tell her about how I used to tie a string around a G. I. Joe and flush them down the toilet, and see how far they can go before I can't reel them in anymore. I lost some of my favorite Joes during those underwater rescue missions. Talking smack and making jokes is kind of my way of making sure the world will be here when I'm all better. If I'm ever in an accident, and I can't squeak one little joke out, then it's time to be worried.
Today I worked down in Seattle for Disney, handing out balloons and promotional free passes for Disneyland/world. It was actually kinda fun. Met some cool people. I met the manager of the space needle, who offered to let me go up it for free after I told her I've never been up it. After work I went there, but she was on her lunch and just decided to go home, cuz I was feeling like garbage. Bummer dude. At least I got to come home and watch Anchorman. Will Farrell is the shit, and by shit, I mean golden, and by golden I mean cash money silk. Will Farrell movies always warm my heart and snuggle my soul. His comedy is like watching a cat chasing a laser pen for the first time.
I found a bunch of kick-ass brushes for photoshop, and have been doing some rad photo-humping. I've been trying to tap into my artistic side lately. I wonder if I could do that for money? I wonder if I could get paid just to be my awesome self? I wonder if I could get paid to teach people how to be awesome? Hmmm, I'm gonna think about that one.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Day 30

I've gone through a lot of interesting moods today. I've been thinking about how it's been a month since I started this blog, and how it's come a long way in the little time that I've had it. Even though I haven't made more than a few hundred dollars in the past 30 days, I wouldn't call it a total waste of a month, even though I'm STILL unemployed. This whole web game I'm playing takes longer than 30 days to wrangle, and I know that. I have easily learned probably about as much as a class in school would have taught me though, so for that I'm happy about how I've spent the last 30 days.
This morning I gave my dad a ride to the airport at 4AM, and it was so foggy, I couldn't see 20 feet in front of the car on the freeway. It was kinda scary, and I thought about how that's kinda how I'm living my life right now. I can only see about 20 feet in front of me, but as long as I keep going, I know I'm gonna get somewhere eventually. I just need to stay positive. I came home and fell back asleep, and since my phone was on silent, I didn't hear my mom calling me 30 times to tell me to come pick her up from the car detail shop. She ended up walking a mile to the Starbucks, before she found someone to give her a ride home. I completely forgot I was supposed to pick her up at 8. I felt horrible. Here I was thinking I was doing something nice, taking my dad to the airport, then I go and forget about picking up my mom. Sigh. Yesterday I gave my brother Kyle a ride back to his house in covington, and my brother Ryan a ride back to the bar to pick up his truck. Tomorrow morning I'm giving my sister a ride to the bus stop, and my mom to go pick up her car at the detail shop. I've suddenly become the family chauffeur it seems. That's alright. It makes me happy when I help out my family, since I don't really feel like I'm doing anything else worthy of making them proud.
Today my storage unit called me to tell me I owe them money. My cell phone bill was due today as well. I went onto craigslist and lowered the price of my cabriolet from 2000 to 1700. I've had 8 people email me about the cabriolet, and one test-drive. Hopefully it'll sell at 1700. It's definitely worth it at 119,000 miles, I know that.
Tomorrow I've got a temporary job for a day, paying 20/hour to hand out mickey mouse balloons in Seattle as some kind of celebration promotion for Disney. lol I can't keep living my life off of silly jobs and paid surveys. I need a big break. I need a job I can say I'm proud to have. It's coming, I can feel it. I do love the suspense of a one-day job, but I've been selling things on craigslist and ebay, doing little clever side jobs here and there for too long to have nothing to offer some employer somewhere. Hmm, or maybe it's just time to really get my brain in gear and come up with something epic, that nobody else has done yet. Be a trend-setter. A barrier breaker. Yeah, I think that sounds like me. It will soon anyway.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Days 27, 28, 29

I'm just going to assume that the lack of more current updating is simply a result of a more busy lifestyle. Not that I'm really doing anything special different lately, but I guess I'm just trying to get out and be around more people.
On Friday I received the prize I won from Katie kutthroat's blog "Needles and Pins" and I must say, I absolutely LOVE IT!! Everyone who's come in my room since I got it has said something about it. My brother totally cracked up. It's a framed cross-stitch of a crab on the bottom and in brown cross-stitch letters it says "Oh, Snap" hahah It's rad! She has all kinds of crafts like this that she sells from her online store, you should go check em out at Needle's n Pins or katiekutthroat.etsy.com.
Later friday I went out and did some bar hopping with Paul and his aunts and cousins around renton. Awesomeness just runs in that family. lol They were all really cool in their own way. His aunt and I brushed up on our gin-rummy skills. She says she has trouble finding worthy opponants but that I am one. I wish we had more one-on-one gametime, because now I really just want to get down and play some cards. I haven't even played a game of poker in months, and that sucks. I totally got a crush on his cousin, and that makes sense, since she lives in another state, and is engaged already. It's a bummer because I'm really picky with my women, and I haven't really been attracted to a girl probably in a year. Thats life for ya. She even had to go and have the name "Angel" as if she could seem any more right for me. Anyways, after leaving the bar I went to nicks house and got down on a few wicked games of foos-ball, which I won 4 of 5. Cooollllddd blooodddeeeddd!
Saturday night was to consist of basically the same thing. My brother's band, 24 Hr Diesel played their first bar show at Jacks bar in renton, and brought along a crowd the likes of which no bar in renton has likely ever seen before. The place was easily past it's maximum persons limit, and quickly took the bar by surprise. The bar owner had to run down to his other bar, and pick up more pitchers and glasses. There was a 20 person line to the bar. Even though it was my brothers band, and I wanted to support him, me and the group I brought decided to skip waiting 30 minutes in line for beers, and just decided to go to plan B. Dino's Pub. My brother had plenty of support, and if anything, leaving probably made it easier for everyone else there to move and celebrate. Ya, that's my excuse.
Dino's was fun, a lot of my friends were able to meet up, some that I hadn't seen in a while, so that was cool. I didn't drink though, because I'm trying to cut some weight, and get healthy, and drinking is pretty much the opposite of that.
I really don't understand why people kept telling me all weekend I look thinner like I've lost weight, since I only just recently went bad to the gym, and have only been there like 4 times in the past 2 weeks. I don't feel like I look any thinner, and the scale doesn't read any different. I'm still fluctuating between 220-225. It's like theres an invisible barrier there. The last 25 pounds was fairly easy, but now I can't break 220. It's gonna feel great when I do though, since I haven't weighed less than 220 since I was a senior in high school. I will admit I am more muscle now than I've ever been though. I can feel it underneath. It's really weird. Weird in the best possible way of course. I awoke to a completely contradicting dream this morning. I dreamed I went to the Philippines, and some guy wanted to fight me, because I was overweight and he was so skinny, and in the dream for some reason, all of the Philippine people who were skinny were poor. I dunno, the dream was pretty retarded to me too.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Days 24, 25 and 26

Well I somehow contracted whatever disease my dad has been battling the past month, so more or less all I've done the past 3 days has been sleeping, trying to eat right, and staying sore. I've also been trying to sell my cabriolet, and get my jetta ready to sell, though I'd like to just keep them both, I need money pretty bad, and the reason i bought them in the first place was to fix them up and sell them to make some money. I really really want to keep the cabriolet though. I love that little car. I've had some super awesome times in that car, and I haven't even had it for a summer yet! The thought of cruising around in that thing with the top down on my way to California or something just makes me cringe at the idea of selling it. I put it up on craigslist and 3 girls have already emailed me interested in it. It really is like the ultimate girl car. One girl came and test drove it today. She said she really likes it but has a 2 others she's going to go look at still. I hope she buys mine. I could really use the money.

I definitely need some kind of structure in my life. I've successfully devolved to waking up at 8 am to take my sister to the bus stop, then coming home, making tea, something to eat, then reading a book or SOMETHING; I have no idea where the time goes, then I get tired from waking up so early and decide to take a nap around 2 and end up sleeping until like 6-ish, and *poof* I wake up and it's dark and my mind considers my day finished and nothing else worth mentioning happens. Of course I'm sure my sickness has some part in this formula of nothingness and over-sleeping, but I still yearn for some social interaction. I've always hated winter time. I want to live where it never snows, and theres a sunset every night. I've come to accept that this winter is going to be "my time." Time for me to focus on the things I'd rather not bring up when I become more social I guess.

Oddly, I've been reading a lot lately, since laying in bed is far easier on my brain then sitting in front of my computer. I just finished ISHMAEL by Daniel Quinn. That is one hard to follow book, but definitely an interesting story. I finished it just in time, since SMASHED, the story of a drunken girlhood just arrived at my house today from Paperbackswap.com. If you sign up you can get a free book! I've really gotten into sites that give you things for free just for signing up lately, if you can't tell. If your interested in getting a free video game just for signing up at goozex, you can do that as well. I've been trading games there for a few months now, and I really like it.

Yesterday I went to safeway and found the rediculously awesome facewash I have been looking for. It's called NXT. Not only do I like this stuff because I heard about it from my friend john, who uses it and likes it rather then hearing about it on some commercial or magazine, but I like it because when john told me to try it out, it actually cleared my face up, visibly over night. Sadly, no other facewash, facescrub, or anything else has been able to work this good. I've been looking for a good facewash for soooo long, because sometimes for no apparent reason I break out along my cheek bone. or up by my sideburns. It's like I found a secret treasure chest. Whenever I find something that works that I like, the virgo in me makes me want to go buy a 3 years supply to make sure I never have to search for something to take it's place, heaven forbid the company goes out of business or something. I only bought the facewace and moisturizer, but after thinking about it, I've had minor acne for years now, actually since I started shaving, and I'm wondering if my Barbasol dollar should be spent elsewhere. Not only do I like that NXT works for me, as some sales gimmick, it lights up from the bottom of the bottle, a few times every few minutes. After buying it I put it in the center console of my cabriolet and turned my music on and the thing started lighting up to the rythem of the bass! Haha that's kinda cool! I wonder how that works?

I'm beginning to become afraid that something is really messing up my feng shui in the electronics department of my life. It seems everything I own that turns on is malfunctioning. Not only is my computer being a piece of shit, but every once in a while my phone will just turn on while it's in my pocket, and just tonight it turned off in my pocket, and now it won't even turn back on!!? I plugged it into the charger and everything and it isn't turning on! UGH electronics are making me sad!! What do I do when my computer and my cell phone stop working??! The world is going to be totally fucked if someone ever learns how to completely disable electronics. If we ever get into a world war 3 it is going to be the most fucked up war of all time. Probably one that will find a way to directly effect every single person in the world one way or another.
Hmmm, maybe I should slowly start to wheen myself off of electronics? Awe man that would be so hard. I/We're so fucked.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Day 23

Wow, go me! I totally did everything I said I wanted to do! Take that, procrastination! Took the jetta down for emissions, passed with flying colors. How come every time one of my vehicles passes emissions, (I've never had one fail, but still) it always feels like I just passed this huge exam, and I feel all happy, and want to celebrate? Anyways, thats how I felt, so I figured I'd go to a few places to see if I could put the good mojo into action. Got myself a job interview on Monday! It's nothing special AT ALL in fact I'm going to dread this job if I get it, but it will be worth it just to be back in the workforce again, instead of sitting on my ass, broke, scratching my balls all day.

I just got back from the gym about an hour ago. Brought my ipod for the first time and holy hell it made a difference! I just kept running and running and running, for 42 minutes, before I decided I should probably lift some weights before I get too tired. Had a great sweat goin there for awhile.... could be because a total freakin FOX got onto the elliptical next to me. I always love it when some babe is near me when I work out, even IF I look like my absolute worst at the gym. It helps me play my little psychological game. I tell myself, if I keep running for 15 more minutes (past what I originally planned) then I promise myself I'll be rich and famous someday. lol I have like at least 1300+ I-OWE-U's I've made myself, to try and keep me goin longer to get that last little tasty drop of Welches grape juice.

Hahah this post makes me look like a total tool. Oh well.

Speaking of tools, Mike Myers in his movie The Love Guru, was probably one of the worst movies I've ever seen, sadly, because I loved Austin Powers.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Day 22

Well, another lazy Sunday here and gone. I accomplished next to nothing. The muscle pain has become managable, so tomorrow morning I'm going back to the gym for another 3 hour workout I'm thinking. I should also go take my jetta in for emissions, so I can sell it. It's gotten to the nitty bitty gritty, with money these last few days, and it's about time I get my duckets in a row. How do I get myself into these unemployment RUTS anyways? I'll have a job for a year, then start itching really bad for a vacation, end up quitting or getting fired, whichever is easier, take an extended extended vacation, and before I know it, I'm living with mom and dad for another 6 months. I don't really have much in the way of debt, but cell phone and insurance bills are on their way to my door, and I'm not really sure how I'm gonna take care of it yet. I suppose tomorrow I autta go get myself a shitty job. And by shitty I mean anything I can get. I should be at least working on some kind of paycheck. It's just so easy because I have everything I need here. I have plenty of food, a cozy room. I can come and go as I please, and don't pay rent. In reality however, I'm so far from where I want to be, in every sense of the meaning. Living at mom and dads is no respectable way to live by any means lol. I'm not as healthy as I'd like to be, I don't even have money to buy some new threads. I've had the same wardrobe for like, almost a year. That doesn't really bother me much, but I gotta get my own pad (with stripper poles).

My dream spot, would be a huge loft in downtown seattle, just like the one on the movie BIG. Ah man ever since I saw that movie I've wanted to live in a loft... thats like damn near 20 years. The day I'm finally living in seattle in a loft, I will know that I'm finally happy. Just gotta keep my goals where I can see em, so I can keep checkin em off the list on my way up! God I hope I can someday live in a loft. I would be willing to pretty much give up anything in order to.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Day 20 & 21

Ahhhh, it feels so good to have my computer back up and running! Friday morning I turned my computer on only to find that it didn't beep, or POST at all. I was so sore from working out Thursday with toby, that I felt like an 85 year old man. Toby noticed how rediculously flexable I was, and told me about how he once saw me put my legs behind my head. Forgetting I even ever showed anyone that, I tried it, and to me and toby's suprise, I could STILL DO IT! That's pretty fuckin impressive, being a 225 lb 24 year old guy, especially considering I've never done yoga or anything like that. I wonder how I got so flexible?! Crazy, I'm still suprised I could do it. My body isn't very happy about it though. I will say, it does feel wonderful to be sore again. After all, pain is just weakness leaving the body.

Friday was like christmas, since I got James Bond 007: NightFire, Super Monkey Ball 2, Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life, and Gun for the Gamecube all on the same day from Goozex.com. That was pretty sweet considering my computer stopped working for no apparent reason, and I was too sore to even care about figureing out why. So basically all friday was spent staying comfortable, drinking tea (my currently favorite thing to do for some reason), listening to music, and playing gamecube games, until my mom asks me if I wanted to go to the keg for my dads birthday. Hells yeah, I'm down for some steak! My dad had been drinking since 3 PM, and probably shouldn't drive, so I was to drive him from the bar he was at by his work, to the keg. Ho-man I don't think I've seen my dad that drunk, ever hahaha. We got to the keg and it was packed, understandable for a friday night. We decided to all sit in the bar seating and get some appetizers. The waiter asks us all for our ID's and my dad pulls out his Cosco membership card and hands it to her hahahaha. The rest of the night consisted of eating bomb.com/awesome food and keeping my dad in check. Afterwards we went to the muckleshoot casino to lose some money, where I rolled the living hog-shit out of my left ankle trying to hop over a curb. I'm planning on going bowling tonight for Makalas birthday, but we'll see howI feel. My body is so angry at me right now lol.

I still have no idea why my computer was acting like a douche bag, but I pulled a stick of ram out of it, turned it on and it worked fine. I put the ram back in it and still works fine. I think it had something to do with how I overclocked it like crazy. Oh well, I can deal with it running at 2.8Ghz for a while I guess. I'm not really into any computer games at the moment, since I just beat fallout 3. That was a pretty cool game, but I wish it wasn't so similar to Oblivion. The ambient music being really similar, and the fact that you couldn't kill children really pissed me off. Games just aren't ever going to be the same as the olden days. I remember playing games like Out Of This World and Flashback, for days at a time. My dad used to let me rent one game each weekend, and thats all I did all week was try to beat it. I have some really fond memories growing up playing sega genesis and snes. Video games made up a great part of my life.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Day 19

Well, apparently, either he has no idea he has a virus now, or the virus didn't work how I wanted it to. Oh well. I give him points for his persistence however, he's called me from 8 blocked numbers for the last half-hour, hahaha. Poor old Eleda Masun @ eledami800@yahoo.com just wasted the $44.83(according to http://www.fedex.com) on Express Urgent overnight shipping from... oh? California huh? Thats kinda fishy, ain't it! Mmmm, I wonder if this has anything to do with the dream I had 2 nights ago where a snake was chasing me through a park, and I grabbed it's neck and snapped it? he-he.

So, if this guy is in California, and not the UK, it might be worth reporting after all. I called Renton Police, but got a busy signal, eh, I'll call later maybe...

In other less interesting, but equally important news, I finally got back into the gym last night, and had and awesome 3-hour workout. It was packed! I like working out when the gym is packed. It helps me stay motivated. Great bodies everywhere, pretty women, and I usually run into an old friend or two almost every time I go. I ran into Robby Morrow and his brother, as well as an old pal keilen, and my causin's ex boy-friend Carmen. I'm always looking for extra workout partners, so if you have an LA-Fitness membership be sure to drop me a line! I'm planning on going hopefully every night at around 7PM. (The landing in renton)

I also found out that the traffic exchange sites I was checking out are apparently a violation of Google ad sense terms of agreement. Well that's a bit of a bummer, but I guess it makes sense. I'll just have to go make a splash-page or something.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Day 18

I've had a pretty interesting day today! I woke up to the fed-ex man dropping off an urgent over-night delivery package to me. I posted my resume on craigslist.com a few weeks ago, and I've gotten all kinds of interesting job offers, but among them was one interesting request from a man in the UK. Apparently he's story was that he's flying from London to Seattle to meet his wife who lives in Ohio. My job would be to drive them to and from their hotel room, and their business meetings, being available 3 hours a day for 5 days a week, for the month of January. His emails reeked of misspelled words and gaps of vital information like, WHY they are meeting in Ohio, or what flight they are taking, or even what airliner they are flying. I just went along with it because I honestly didn't believe the guy when he said he would send me a payment up front. Of course I open the fed-ex package and what other, than a fairly legitimate looking check for 2949.99 cents. He told me to deposit it right away, and keep "whatever I deemed appropriate as payment for the job, including gas expenses, but then to send the rest to an address in London, so he could book his WIFE's flight? Wait, I thought you said your wife was in Ohio? lol. Someone needs to learn how to scam a little better, hahaha. This isn't the first time on craigslist I've gotten offers like this. They are a persistent bunch, I tell ya. I googled craigslist scam and found this site explaining my situation. The guy even had the audacity to call my cell phone and ask me how things were going. I assured him I would be sending the payment as soon as I cash the check, and ended the call, hoping not to give away that I knew he was an asshole from the start.

Then, I did what I usually do with stuff like this, and found myself an nice lil email loop virus, and sent it right along to him. :)

In other, less interesting or more interesting news, depending on who you are, I learned for the first time about Traffic Exchange. OOOooo what's that? Basically, it's a whole gaggle of websites, that you sign up for, and manually click through websites, in return for people like you clicking through your website. A very interesting concept, but since all of the other clickers are just like you, your visitors only stay for 5-10 seconds before moving along. It's like if a room full of multi-level-marketers, and SEO's had an orgy, Traffic Exchange would likely be their bastard love-children.

I signed up for about 7 of em with a new email address I made, and spent about 4 hours clicking through them, to see what kind of traffic I would get in return.
My handy-dandy site meter tells me I've gotten 73 unique page views so far. NOT BAD! Even though their average visit time is less than a minute, meh, it's still some kind of progress, I think I'll try it tomorrow too. I set it to randomly rotate this blog, and my beer box lens on squidoo. It however had only gotten 7 visitors. Hmmm. Oh well. Today's fallen nuts are tomorrows swaying mighty oak trees I say. :)

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Day 17

Ah yes, feeling MUCH more productive today! :) Been messing around with Last.FM a lot because I'm finding awesome music I love daily, that I've never heard before. It's like a total musical liberation for me. I can't say enough good things about last.fm.

Last night I did some blog-walking and found some pretty cool blogs. I subscribed to a few of em, and got a few goodies in the process. I now have a nifty bar on the right that tells me what country my visitors are in, and below that, a widget that shows from what link they used to get here! Now thats rad! Knowing where most of my traffic is coming from can help me pin-point whats working, and what isn't. It's pretty cool, blog-walking. At least 60% of the blogs I walk onto are in other languages, which is lame, but it's cool to see what people in other countries are writing about, based upon the pictures in their blog. It's also cool to get blog widget and design ideas. Very helpful, I think I'll do it more often.

I hope to get back into Ebay, Half.com, and craigslist now that this snow has chilled out, since after all, I've basically been living off them for the past few months.

Checked on my lenses today, and came up with a good lens idea.
1st lens:
Overall LensRank: #3807
Topic LensRank: #255 in Video Games
2nd lens:
Overall LensRank: #19410
Topic LensRank: #101 in Pop Culture & Celebs
3rd lens:
Overall LensRank: #28,035
Topic LensRank: #2410 in Health & Medicine

Facebook: 155 Friends, and I've just about found everyone I know I think. Still waiting on a few friends to confirm. It's nice catching up!

246 Following

I've also been somehow getting a decent amount of computer repair requests from friends. There must be some crazy new Christmas virus out or something. Either way, I've been thinking about getting back into the free-lance computer repair. You'd be surprised how much relieved house-moms pay to see their computer running fast again. Can't say I blame them though, theres nothing more annoying that a slow computer, and half the time, you don't even need to buy anything, you computer just needs to be cleaned up. If your thinking about buying a new computer, think twice, because theres a VERY good chance that your computer just needs a quick clean, to get it back to how it was when you first bought it. So who wants a new computer when the one you have can be new again for a very small fraction of the cost of a new one. If theres any of you out there with computer problems, or your thinking about buying a new computer, I highly suggest you email me first!! Cambiojoe[at]Gmail.com

Monday, January 5, 2009

Day 15 & 16

Went to visit my buddy John up in Lynnwood and it snowed so hard I was stuck there for two days! :( At least we had fun playing all those gamecube games I now have lol.

I've been getting more into design since a kid on justin.tv asked me to make him a banner for his page.

Still kind of in a funk as of late though. Hopefully things will get better tomorrow.

Sweet clock. (I have no idea.)

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Day 13 & 14

So clearly I'm a complete wastrel for days after drinking. Note to self: quit drinking if I ever want to be rich, OR get paid to drink. Alright so now that I got that out of the way, lets see...

I've been on justin.tv for a while, and just started messing with it again lately, though there is a ridiculous amount of underage kids who use it. Meh. I used to have a webcam, but it was such a total piece of garbage I threw it away and haven't got one since, though I do kind of miss mysteriously having people watch me. I'm such a social person, I like being around people all day. I would rather live in a place with like 5 roommates then live by myself. A lot of people don't understand this, but thats ok. I started to revamp my page, and plan on getting another webcam eventually.

Update: I just wasted like 4 hours watching some of the funniest video the internet has ever graced me with. I was just messing around on twitter, adding friends I thought seemed cool, when I ran across a twitter user who had a link to http://www.24hours24artists.com It just happened to be on Wreck and Salvage, and I couldn't stop watching it after the first few minutes, until it was over 2 hours later. It was PURE AWESOME. I feel compelled to tell everyone I know about it for some reason, though I'm sure they won't enjoy it as much as me. I found their vimeo.com account, where I have continued to completely waste my day doing nothing else at all.