Saturday, January 3, 2009

Day 13 & 14

So clearly I'm a complete wastrel for days after drinking. Note to self: quit drinking if I ever want to be rich, OR get paid to drink. Alright so now that I got that out of the way, lets see...

I've been on for a while, and just started messing with it again lately, though there is a ridiculous amount of underage kids who use it. Meh. I used to have a webcam, but it was such a total piece of garbage I threw it away and haven't got one since, though I do kind of miss mysteriously having people watch me. I'm such a social person, I like being around people all day. I would rather live in a place with like 5 roommates then live by myself. A lot of people don't understand this, but thats ok. I started to revamp my page, and plan on getting another webcam eventually.

Update: I just wasted like 4 hours watching some of the funniest video the internet has ever graced me with. I was just messing around on twitter, adding friends I thought seemed cool, when I ran across a twitter user who had a link to It just happened to be on Wreck and Salvage, and I couldn't stop watching it after the first few minutes, until it was over 2 hours later. It was PURE AWESOME. I feel compelled to tell everyone I know about it for some reason, though I'm sure they won't enjoy it as much as me. I found their account, where I have continued to completely waste my day doing nothing else at all.

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