Monday, January 26, 2009

This is Bob barker reminding you to control the pet population.

I finally just finished Genesis of the bible last night. Man I've been working on that chapter for years. Hopefully now I can finally get to the good stuff. By good stuff I mean non-strict-documentary-like stuff. Half the chapter consisted of Jacob and his ridiculously large 70 person family, and literally every single person that had sex in order for him and his family to come to be. YOU try reading genesis and tell me it's not a hard read! They end it with the beginning of moses, and his burning bush story. It's actually becoming a pretty interesting read. Don't worry people, I'm not turning in to a super religious guy, I just believe every religion should get it's chance to show me whats up, so I've decided to read the entire bible.

In other equally left-field news, it turns out people have actually landed on my blog after searching for Eluda Masun. You all remember him don't you? Heh heh heh. If not go check out Day 18 ( 1-7-09) Yeah, turns out he's still out there trying to scam people with that plan of his. It's sad that I read it actually works a lot of the time. Hell it almost worked on me. Either way, he'll get what's coming to him, I'm sure. Just remember people, if someone on craigslist wants to send you money, or is from out of the country or state, tell em to go shove it. Unless they're willing to call you and talk to you on the phone first, so you can kinda feel them out and make sure they aren't sketch, but I'd still watch out on craiglist y'all.

Today was fairly productive day. I washed my cabriolet, and my explorer, then decided to wash my moms van, because they were so filthy from the snow n stuff. The cabriolet is looking good now, but it got dark fast, so I'll have to take pictures of it tomorrow, to repost it on craigslist. I'm really gonna miss that little car. I secretly really hope I end up keeping it until summertime, then just end up keeping it, because cruising around with the top down and the bass dropping all over the place is just rad like that.After washing cars I went to the gym. Oh man I had such a good workout I almost puked the whole way home. I've never actually gotten to that point before. I'm pretty sure I was really dehydrated there for a while! I need to be drinking a LOT more water. Men's fitness as well as other sources say to drink half your body weight in ounces of water a day. I once kissed a girl who drank that much water daily. Her lips where soft as clouds. I'm not sure if thats what makes me think she was one of the best kissers I've ever kissed or not, but I know it definitely might be, lol.

I've been thinking about starting a video game blog, and a movie blog. Scratch that, I AM starting a video game blog and a movie blog. I think if a movie or game is good enough (or bad enough) it deserves my oppinion to be broadcast. I have movie nights with Cassie, and she knows my movie preferences, and I like almost everything she picks out for me. I wish SHE had a movie blog. I know I'd read it! I really wish more of my friends would write. (ESPECIALLY DAN) I like to read what my friends have to say about different things. It creates conversations and helps me find similarities about them that I like. For instance, if I meet someone new, all I really have to find out more about them by is their myspace or maybe if they have a facebook. (oh yay! you like hello kitty.) It's nice when you meet someone new and they have a blog or something more than a myspace, that I can kind of learn about what they like and who they are, in my extra time instead of just basing everything I know about them off of their 18 pictures of a single drunk night or their corvette background with cool integrated racing gifs.

1 comment:

  1. I would actually write, but I just need topics to write about. If you drop me a topic, I'd be willing to write about it. I'm open to ideas. ;)
