Thursday, January 15, 2009

Days 24, 25 and 26

Well I somehow contracted whatever disease my dad has been battling the past month, so more or less all I've done the past 3 days has been sleeping, trying to eat right, and staying sore. I've also been trying to sell my cabriolet, and get my jetta ready to sell, though I'd like to just keep them both, I need money pretty bad, and the reason i bought them in the first place was to fix them up and sell them to make some money. I really really want to keep the cabriolet though. I love that little car. I've had some super awesome times in that car, and I haven't even had it for a summer yet! The thought of cruising around in that thing with the top down on my way to California or something just makes me cringe at the idea of selling it. I put it up on craigslist and 3 girls have already emailed me interested in it. It really is like the ultimate girl car. One girl came and test drove it today. She said she really likes it but has a 2 others she's going to go look at still. I hope she buys mine. I could really use the money.

I definitely need some kind of structure in my life. I've successfully devolved to waking up at 8 am to take my sister to the bus stop, then coming home, making tea, something to eat, then reading a book or SOMETHING; I have no idea where the time goes, then I get tired from waking up so early and decide to take a nap around 2 and end up sleeping until like 6-ish, and *poof* I wake up and it's dark and my mind considers my day finished and nothing else worth mentioning happens. Of course I'm sure my sickness has some part in this formula of nothingness and over-sleeping, but I still yearn for some social interaction. I've always hated winter time. I want to live where it never snows, and theres a sunset every night. I've come to accept that this winter is going to be "my time." Time for me to focus on the things I'd rather not bring up when I become more social I guess.

Oddly, I've been reading a lot lately, since laying in bed is far easier on my brain then sitting in front of my computer. I just finished ISHMAEL by Daniel Quinn. That is one hard to follow book, but definitely an interesting story. I finished it just in time, since SMASHED, the story of a drunken girlhood just arrived at my house today from If you sign up you can get a free book! I've really gotten into sites that give you things for free just for signing up lately, if you can't tell. If your interested in getting a free video game just for signing up at goozex, you can do that as well. I've been trading games there for a few months now, and I really like it.

Yesterday I went to safeway and found the rediculously awesome facewash I have been looking for. It's called NXT. Not only do I like this stuff because I heard about it from my friend john, who uses it and likes it rather then hearing about it on some commercial or magazine, but I like it because when john told me to try it out, it actually cleared my face up, visibly over night. Sadly, no other facewash, facescrub, or anything else has been able to work this good. I've been looking for a good facewash for soooo long, because sometimes for no apparent reason I break out along my cheek bone. or up by my sideburns. It's like I found a secret treasure chest. Whenever I find something that works that I like, the virgo in me makes me want to go buy a 3 years supply to make sure I never have to search for something to take it's place, heaven forbid the company goes out of business or something. I only bought the facewace and moisturizer, but after thinking about it, I've had minor acne for years now, actually since I started shaving, and I'm wondering if my Barbasol dollar should be spent elsewhere. Not only do I like that NXT works for me, as some sales gimmick, it lights up from the bottom of the bottle, a few times every few minutes. After buying it I put it in the center console of my cabriolet and turned my music on and the thing started lighting up to the rythem of the bass! Haha that's kinda cool! I wonder how that works?

I'm beginning to become afraid that something is really messing up my feng shui in the electronics department of my life. It seems everything I own that turns on is malfunctioning. Not only is my computer being a piece of shit, but every once in a while my phone will just turn on while it's in my pocket, and just tonight it turned off in my pocket, and now it won't even turn back on!!? I plugged it into the charger and everything and it isn't turning on! UGH electronics are making me sad!! What do I do when my computer and my cell phone stop working??! The world is going to be totally fucked if someone ever learns how to completely disable electronics. If we ever get into a world war 3 it is going to be the most fucked up war of all time. Probably one that will find a way to directly effect every single person in the world one way or another.
Hmmm, maybe I should slowly start to wheen myself off of electronics? Awe man that would be so hard. I/We're so fucked.


  1. Yeah, that is a ridiculously cute little car! Sorry to hear you have been sick, you were just starting to feel more accomplished and busy, and then the sickness pushes you back down!

    hahah, you should just be a spokesperson for that face wash. I felt like I was reading an advertisement. but thats exciting, maybe I should try that. I don't get acne anywhere except for my chin sometimes...the face wash isnt just made for men though, right?

  2. omg. so im not going crazy, that shit does light up. everytime i go in that bathroom i think i see something in that bottle glow and figured it was just a reflection from my phone or something. good to know
