Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Your the dill, in my tunafish sandwich. :)

I am amazed how foggy it's been here lately. The fog didn't go away all day yesterday!! I've never seen that happen before, and I'm talking THICK fog. It looked like Mt. St. Helens ripped a big fart in Renton. Waking up sick as a dog at 7 am to stand outside and scrape the ice off of my windshield for 10 minutes is not my idea of a happy morning. I rank being sick right up there with split-pea soup, and Indian burns. I've been sitting here for two hours, trying to whistle "afternoon delight" out of my clogged left nostril, and it's coming along nicely. I just blew my nose so hard a freaking river-trout swam out. Some aspects of being sick however aren't that bad. It's the easiest way to lose 5 pounds, and at least I get to snuggle all day in my expensive Egyptian cotton sheets that I got. My friend Alex tells me Egyptian babes actually weave them out of their pubic hairs. Exotic! I get a little loony when I'm sick. I think I'm dehydrated from coughing up so many jello jigglers. My mom has no idea how it's possible I get into these silly, joke-riddled moods when I'm so miserable. I'm like this when I'm hungover too. Hanging over the toilet describing what I think I ate the night before to my mom in the other room. I tell her about how I used to tie a string around a G. I. Joe and flush them down the toilet, and see how far they can go before I can't reel them in anymore. I lost some of my favorite Joes during those underwater rescue missions. Talking smack and making jokes is kind of my way of making sure the world will be here when I'm all better. If I'm ever in an accident, and I can't squeak one little joke out, then it's time to be worried.
Today I worked down in Seattle for Disney, handing out balloons and promotional free passes for Disneyland/world. It was actually kinda fun. Met some cool people. I met the manager of the space needle, who offered to let me go up it for free after I told her I've never been up it. After work I went there, but she was on her lunch and just decided to go home, cuz I was feeling like garbage. Bummer dude. At least I got to come home and watch Anchorman. Will Farrell is the shit, and by shit, I mean golden, and by golden I mean cash money silk. Will Farrell movies always warm my heart and snuggle my soul. His comedy is like watching a cat chasing a laser pen for the first time.
I found a bunch of kick-ass brushes for photoshop, and have been doing some rad photo-humping. I've been trying to tap into my artistic side lately. I wonder if I could do that for money? I wonder if I could get paid just to be my awesome self? I wonder if I could get paid to teach people how to be awesome? Hmmm, I'm gonna think about that one.

1 comment:

  1. hahahah yeah, this cracked me up! so funny. And I feel your pain, I am soo sick right now..can't breathe out of either nostril..maybe I'll try to whistle some tunes.

    and uh..will Farrel is my fucking hero forsure. Anchorman is by far my favorite movie of all time. I think I might have said that in a previous comment, but oh wellzzzzzz.
