Monday, February 9, 2009

Free??! I'll take 5.

I have come to realize that true "free" is the new $39.99. When you have something awesome, some useful nugget of knowledge or some bad-ass new product, it really does pay, to give it away for free. And by free I don't mean free, but you have to pay monthly, or free but you have to activate it. I'm not talking about free with purchase, or free after signing someone else up, or free garbage or free brochures or free bowflex dvd. I'm most definitely not talking about the useless or strings attached free, that has corrupted the very words meaning beyond it's original context. See, isn't it sad that your wondering what it is I'm about to try and sell you? No, I'm not selling anything... or giving anything away for free.(at the moment anyways) What I'm talking about is a truly free gift of worth. When was the last time someone honestly gave you something completely free that was actually worth taking? Or even better, when was the last time you gave someone something, or did something really nice, for free, that was appreciated? What about the last time you did something nice for someone, who had no idea you were going to do it, or no idea that you even did do it, without seeking any kind of gratification in return? This kind of thing has been creeping into my thoughts very often lately. I'm not exactly sure why I've been thinking about this stuff, but I like where my mind has been wondering.

Since it's almost valentines day, I'll tell you about an idea I've had floating around in my chamber of secrets for a few months now. Most of the ideas I've had consist of strictly giving things away for free. One of my favorites is about making a website, and on it would be videos of me doing overly romantic things to completely random strangers, and filming their facial expressions. Like leaving a dozen roses on someones car right before they get off of work, or walking up to someone sitting on a bench and handing them a hand written love letter, saying something like "somebody just asked me to hand this to you" then walking off. I want to capture that absolutely stunned "wow someone was thinking of/has a crush on me?" kind of look. I love that look, and I think theres a large audience of people out there who would love to find a place that has lots of videos of people having real romantic things happen to them. I think it's an awesome idea. Of course I would have to somehow find a way to make sure I'm not doing anything romantic for someone who is already in a great relationship. That could probably kinda backfire for the kind of free gift I'm trying to give. But yeah, thats just one of my many silly ideas. What kind of ideas do you have that would be doing a good thing? If you've never really done something nice for someone, and then didn't tell them what you did, you should try it, it feels pretty good, and it's gotta be at least like 1 and a half karma points.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you completely! I think if people did small things for random strangers once in awhile, our lives would be much happier. While I was in the mid-west a few weeks ago I got the idea to pay the toll for the person behind me. For $0.85 I made that person's day a little better, he drove by honking and waving with a huge smile on his face. Why can't people do more of this? I admit that I don't do it often enough but the gratification of doing something nice is amazing. I also think your idea of the romantic gestures is a great idea! Yet another good blog!
