Saturday, May 2, 2009

Too Unique.

Tonight was a very, very unique night. I had deja vu. Not just any deja vu, it was deja vu that was so pristinely exact... I remember smelling the smells I smelled, the exact facial features of the girl's face I was looking at, after I said the exact phrase I remember saying, during the exact live reggae version of the song I heard, played by a band I have definitely never heard before, in a city I had only been in twice before, in a bar/club am positive I have never once been in before. This astronomically improbable circumstance of events could have never taken place more than once in even a lifetime of someone who does any of these events commonly for any amount of time. I am almost encouraged after witnessing this rare manipulation of circumstance, to assume that there is without a shadow of a doubt, someone or something "pulling the strings" if you may. Call it God, call it "Spontaneous Formulation of Events," call it "Magnificent Absolute Reactionary Theory" or call it pure drunken assumption on my part, but to me, something with so many variables, happening like that more than once, in such a magnificently identical way, alone... proves that if there isn't some god out there, then there must at the very least be some kind of absolute repetitive formula in place that I just so happened to be privileged enough to have caught on to.

But no, this cannot be true, because I am not the only human who has seen this in such vivid purity before, witnessing it formulate in utter exactness of that in which was dreamed of at a previous time and place... sometimes having absolutely no recognition of, until the exact moment or two in which it took place in ones life.

Have you ever asked a question, and not expecting to even get an answer, or any kind acknowledgment or anything... to your amazement and bafflement you get a very exact answer through a short commercial you happen to hear in the background or a sentence you happen to be reading on the back of a novel's description that you happen to glance over and read on the back of the book that the lady in the booth next to you at the dirty spoon you are eating at is reading?

It's these small, SEEMINGLY, random events like this, that happen to me many times a month that truly make me ponder over whether I'm really just "floating through life" or if there is some cosmic RESPONDER to my premonitions...

PS i'm wasted right now.

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