Thursday, December 25, 2008

Day 5

Started the day of pretty slow with a headache and a hangover. Yippie. Did a lot of friend adding on twitter, and read two really good articles about, from

I'm learning that twitter is more and more impressive that I previously thought. This Internet era is blowing up like a gigantic explosion. I also found an awesome blog, but can't quite figure out how to follow in through my blog, since the girl who runs it, has domain name forwarding, and no link to add to my blog. (maybe I'm missing it?) And thats weird since she has all the other ways of connecting. I'm pretty sure I'm the one missing the link somewhere.

I now have 98 friends on facebook. and theres still tons of my friends I haven't even sent friend requests to yet! SWEEEET my game trading lens is now ranked #212 in Games, #3262 overall
Coming along nicely! I've almost reached my goal of 199th place in games! Beer box hats is at #32,461 overall#136 in Pop Culture & Celeb. I should definitely make a few more lenses, but ugh this wine hangover is no joke! I'm also meaning to eventually getting around to signing up to... well most of the sites on HERE. As well as uploading all of my pictures onto a new Flickr. I have over 5000 pictures though, so it miiiiiiiiight take a while. But at least it's waaay better than my current that is CONSTANTLY asking me to pay a yearly fee, and all this other bull. Time to upgrizzade! Oh, and I also need to revamp this blog, get a diff layout and background, just haven't gotten arount to it yet. Also thinking of creating a scrapplet like this guy. to kind of centralize everything else I do on the web, so I can just send people to my scrapplet and from there they can find anything I've made of signed up for. Basically like a personal webpage.

Day 5 Update:
Well thats gay that it costs 24.99 per year your unlimited storage on flickr but it's... really understandable. I think my first real money goal, is going to be to make enough money from scratch online, to pay for a years membership on flickr. Here is my flickr page by the way.

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