This blog started out as a beginning to my search for a way to become financially stable online by using website traffic to sell things like E-books or drop-shipping stuff or whatever other financial ventures I learn about. Well since then it kind of morphed into just a personal blog. Once I got into the whole twitter thing and kind of hopped onto the advertisement wave of online entrepreneurship, honestly, I got really sick of people trying to get 9 thousand useless twitter friends, and trying to network for no reason other than to constantly bombard me with their new venture or product, it all just got old fast, and I may still get into it all, but definitely not in that way. I think a good salesman isn't made by just trying to throw his pitch (accidental pun intended) at every person or visitor that comes by. The whole thing gets pretty ugly, and rude honestly, trying to leave a site that your not interested in and BUT WAIT! pops up, JUST FILL IN YOUR EMAIL AND BLA BLA yeah don't give a fuck, I will never buy anything you have now that you just made me close 3 extra boxes just to leave your shitty product site. Soooo now this blog is just A frequent, chronological publication of personal thoughts and Web links that I like. For now anyways. I'll probably make a new blog soon as well that isn't cashmoneysilk, which makes people think I've got something to sell. It's actually just something a drunk person said when I was at a poker game about 2 years ago. He won a fat pot and was just like "yeah baby! gimme that cash-money-silk mmmmm" and everyone laughed about it. It was like his slurred drunken description of happiness that came out in a funny way. I used it to describe anything awesome after that for awhile, and when it came to naming my blog, I just felt it fitting. A month ago I changed it to "A frequent, chronological publication of personal thoughts and Web links" which is literally the definition of "blog" from Wikipedia. So I say onto you reader, enjoy my publication of personal thoughts and web links if you like. It's just something I enjoy doing. Hopefully you enjoy reading it.