If you know me very well, you know that I'm really into health stuff and I care about what I put in my body. Yeah I may be overweight but I know I'm healthy, and under this fat is a ton of muscle. (Which I plan on converting soon lol) I find it fascinating how media blinds most people into thinking food is good for you when it is HORRIBLE for you. I find it interesting how the dollar bill is running every aspect of our lives, and making us Americans fat asses without even trying. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer only now they're also getting fat. I do a lot of reading articles and watching videos about people who are passionate about their health and the food they eat. It goes with being a Virgo I think. You know, you wonder why you can't knock that diet coke habit. You wonder why you hear all this shit about fast food, buuuut you still eat it because you workout, so your probably fine. It's like, we bitch about how hard it is to buy organic and eat healthy,(those of us who care) so we get a burger at mcDs and say eh, we'll eat better tomorrow, but then you forget how to cook after awhile. You just get used to the mc-gurgles and the mc-stomach-ache and somehow don't ever connect the dots that it's your body trying to tell you your eating the equivalent of a chemical factory's garbage can nutrition-wise. It's like we spend our life saving for a retirement fund that we're gonna be too unhealthy to even enjoy by the time we retire. Don't get me wrong a retirement fund is a good thing, but why save 10 bucks on eating fast food, which in the long run is gonna take years off your life? (something Sean mentions in one of his videos)
There is a couple good you-tubers I've been following for a while, and today I watched a few videos from my man Sean that had me clapping and ranting to myself from my chair, because I was so on his level with everything he was talking about. You know how it is when your watching a video and it seems like they're saying everything your thinking. I just felt like I should share them with you, for all of you out there that don't know about how much sucralose or aspartame or mono sodium glutamate mess with your body. For all you out there who don't bother reading food labels, OR who read the food labels but don't know how they really are. If you care about health-care, follow my friend Sean on youtube.
Heres the video that had me hi-fiving my monitor.
THEN you gotta watch this one, this is the one that REALLY had me going!
Ku-fucking-dos. Yeah, I may have seen it a few months later,(I have no idea how I missed it, being a subscriber) but it's no surprise it became as popular as it did, when it did. (and of course, gotta check out his site, www.undergroundwellness.com if your interested in learning more about being healthy)