Wednesday, August 26, 2009

My computer...

Is a piece of shit at the moment, so I shall leave you with this, until I have time to fix it properly.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Life is like a box of chocolates, and I just got the damn coconut one.

So either theres a Mars-Uranus conjunction in Pisces, or I just have naturally, randomly had very bad luck with electronics lately. Two Fridays ago my blackberry's keyboard just suddenly stopped working for no reason when I pulled it out of my pocket. It is still on and functioning, but none of the keys work at all. That really blows, because I do EVERYTHING from that damn phone. I loved my blackberry! :( 3 days of no phone later my mom tells me I can have my dads Verizon Razor, so I go pick that up, and activate it. Yay! I have a phone again... until 4 hours pass, and I go to plug it in and it doesn't charge... great. Oh well, I fucking hate T9 anyways. I guess it's back to my old EnV, the phone I like to call "The Brick"The thing has already outlived 2 nuclear blasts, so I guess it will work for now, even if the zero key sometimes types 089 and the up button doesn't work at all. Then about 5 days ago my computer got like 3 hardcore viruses. The viruses are randomly making links I click go to completely different sites, and my virus protection is constantly going ape-shit about critical software violations it can't do anything about, because they are attached to vital system processes. It may or may not have anything to do with the random bout of porn I decided to download recently, but thats beside the main point.
Because of all of this, not only have I not been checking emails, facebook etc. but I don't have anyone's phone numbers in my brick, which means theres nobody to text at work and waste time, and I cant twitter about how this little girl just blasted this kid in the head on the playground with her fist after he wouldn't stop "tagging" her. Ahhhh kids. I really love working at Coulon Park. It's busy as fuck, and people are everywhere. All I do all day long is drive around on a Gator and empty garbage cans, stare at cuties, get free bbq food, mainly from generous philipino families who always cook more than they can eat, and waste copious amounts of time. It really is the best job I think I've ever had. Too bad it's only until like december... :(